Picture: Lake Fyans

The Storage Manager has started a review of the Storage Management Rules for the for the Wimmera-Glenelg headworks system. The rules form the basis for how the system is operated day-to-day to support water security for the region.

The Minister for Water appointed GWMWater as the Storage Manager for Wimmera-Glenelg, however GWMWater is also an entitlement holder. To ensure the independence of the Storage Manager, governance arrangements are in place so that all entitlement holders and other key stakeholders are involved.

A specific governance arrangement has been set up for the purpose of the review which enables the Storage Manager to report directly to the GWMWater Board.

The review aims to improve and refine the current Storage Management Rules and operation of the Wimmera-Glenelg system, taking into consideration any new data, information and operational experience, to better meet the needs of entitlement holders and improve efficiency. This could include both the storage and delivery of water.

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Contribute to the review on the Storage Manager website