Picture: Lake Fyans

To use groundwater for irrigation or other commercial purposes, you must have a ‘take and use’ licence.


How to apply

To get a ‘take and use’ licence you can either:

1. Apply for a new licence

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Licence to Take and Use Groundwater and Operate Works TU1 (271kB)


2. Apply to renew your existing licence

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Renew a Licence to Take and Use Groundwater and Operate Works GWR1 (266kB)


3. Transfer an existing licence from another landowner

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Permanent or temporary transfer of water for a take and use licence TU3 (358kB)

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Transfer of licence ownership on the sale of land TOL1 (234kB)

If you no longer need your ‘take and use’ licence, you can surrender it:

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Surrender a licence to take and use water and operate works TU4 (217kB)


Further information...

Use groundwater legally

In the interests of the environment, the community and fairness, it's important for people to follow the rules regarding taking and using rural water.

Many people taking and using rural water illegally may not realise they're doing so. It's essential that you, as a rural water user, understand your rights and obligations concerning our water resources.


Tariffs and charges

Water costs vary depending on a number of factors and can change from year to year.