Picture: Lake Fyans
Information about local services, emergency water, water quality, our environmental policies, how water is managed, and current projects.  Download strategies and plans.  Find information on the history or our water supply.

Check your water supply

Find out for your town if you can drink your local water safely, what water restrictions apply, where your water comes from and whether sewerage services are available.


Emergency water supply points

Emergency water supplies are used in times of great need, usually for firefighting or in case of damaging drought.


Water quality

Find out where you can drink the water safely.  View the drinking water quality results from our sampling program.



Find out about our environmental policies and management systems.  Information about pipeline supplied wetlands, wildlife ponds and planting trees near pipelines.


Managing our water supply

The water we provide to our community comes from various sources, including groundwater, surface water, the Murray River, and the Grampians Headworks Storages, a major source of water that is fondly known as 'Headworks'.  Water from these sources gets to your home via a network of pipelines, headworks channels, water treatment plants, reservoirs and dams.


Strategies and plans

Information about our environmental management, sustainability and water resource plans and strategies.


Current projects

Find out about our current projects.


History of our water supply

Information and books about the history of our headworks, the Historic Wimmera Mallee Channel System and constructing the Wimmera Mallee Pipeline.