Picture: Lake Fyans

GWMWater has completed its Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Urban and Rural Water Strategy 2022-2027, for submission to the Minister for Water in July 2022. The Strategy has assessed long-term water security for urban and rural users under a range of water supply and future climate scenarios.

Observations that the Grampians catchments have experienced a greater decline in rainfall and runoff compared with other catchments in Victoria were a key consideration when developing the Strategy. A significant 63 percent reduction in the average annual inflow to the Grampians reservoirs has persisted over the period since 1997.

While the future impacts of climate change continue to pose a risk to water supplies, it is evident our fully pipelined systems have significantly improved water security for our region.

Our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Drought Preparedness Plan focusses on contingencies and strategies to manage future short-term water security and water quality issues for each of GWMWater’s supply areas. This Plan forms a supplementary document to the Urban and Rural Water Strategy, and was updated alongside the development of our 2022-2027 Urban and Rural Water Strategy. 

Our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Drought Preparedness Plan Overview outlines our approach to drought management and how the Plan aligns with Urban and Rural water strategies.

Supporting information...

Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy

The Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy maps out our region's water resources and the challenges and opportunities facing water users over the next 50 years.

Annual Water Outlook

Our Annual Water Outlook is released in December each year. It builds on our Urban and Rural Water Strategy to provide information about water security for our towns and rural users for the year ahead.