GWMWater customers supplied from rural pipeline systems have fully tradable water allowances, which are registered at an individual customer level with the Victorian Water Register.
Customers have the option to trade either part or all of these water allowances on a temporary or permanent basis. This means that customers have greater flexibility and freedom in managing their water resources. Customers can:
- amalgamate water allowances
- subdivide water allowances
- permanently trade water allowances
- temporarily trade water allowances.
The information below outlines some of the most important rules and conditions concerning the trade and purchase of water allowances. You'll find more detailed information on the application forms, or if you'd rather have a discussion, feel free to give us a call.
Water can be traded between your properties, between friends, family or other pipeline customers, or through Water Partners. Water availability and prices can be found on the website.
Amalgamating a water allowance
Amalgamation of water allowances is the combining of two or more existing water allowances into a single entity.
- The allowances need to be held in common ownership or be associated to a single farming enterprise.
- The appropriate documents and proof are required if allowances aren't in common ownership (e.g. a partnership agreement or lease document).
- The amalgamated allowance can only be attached to one supply system.
- Approval is dependent on the capability of the pipeline system as determined by GWMWater's hydraulic model.
Download an Application to Amalgamate a Water Allowance
Subdividing a water allowance
The subdivision of a water allowance splits a single water allowance into two or more water allowances.
- Water allowances can be made up of more than one land parcel.
- Water allowances must be connected to land with existing meters, or to lands that have lodged an application to connect with the rural supply system.
- The owner of the water allowance decides how the water will be subdivided and reallocated.
- Land parcels with only standard meters require a water allowance of at least 100 kL.
- The primary allowance of 730 kL will remain with the primary (house) meter.
- Sharing meters between land parcels isn't allowed.
Download an Application to Subdivide a Water Allowance
Permanent and temporary trade of a water allowance
A permanent water trade transfers ownership of a water allowance on a permanent basis. A temporary water trade transfers ownership of a water allowance on a temporary basis for the remainder of that particular financial year.
- The minimum volume of water allowance able to be traded is 100 kL.
- The primary allowance of 730 kL isn't permitted to be traded and is vested with GWMWater.
- Water allowances can't be traded between the Grampians and Murray delivery systems.
- Approval is dependent on the capability of the pipeline system as determined by GWMWater's hydraulic model
- A minimum standard allowance of 100 kL is required to be connected to the pipeline system. If you want to trade all of your standard allowance, you need to disconnect from the system at your own expense.
- The water rates associated with the seller’s water allowance must be paid before a trade being approved.
Download an Application for Permanent Trade of Water Allowance
Download an Application for Temporary Trade of Water Allowance
Pipeline water allowance trading is covered by Section 124 of the Water Act 1989 and supplied in accordance with the conditions contained in GWMWater’s ![]() |