Picture: Lake Fyans


Seasonal Allocation for July 2024
Entitlement Announced Allocation
Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water Seasonal 
Commonwealth Environmental Water Office 28,000   0.0%
Glenelg Compensation Flow 3,300   0.0%
Recreation 3,090   0.0%
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Product 44,720   3.0%
Coliban Water
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Product 300   3.0%
Wannon Water
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Product 2,120   3.0%
Victorian Environmental Water Holder
Wimmera Mallee Pipeline Product 40,560   3.0%
Wetlands 1,000   0.0%
Notes to this Table This table presents the announced allocations for Wimmera-Glenelg system entitlements at the date shown on the table. The volumetric allocation is equivalent to the Entitlement (Megalitres) multiplied by the Announced Allocation percentage.

View past seasonal allocations here