News and Media Releases
The township of Elmhurst will now enjoy a fully treated drinking water supply straight from the tap.
Supplying the town with drinking water means residents no longer need to rely on their rainwater tanks or packaged water for drinking and food preparation.
Keep track of the rainfall across the year, all in one place, with this handy chart.
Charts are available for collection from our McLachlan Street office in Horsham.
If you are unable to make it into our office to collect a chart, please call our friendly team on 1300 659 961 and they will be able to assist.
If you'd like to print your own copy, you can download the chart here - Rainfall Chart 2025
Our Annual Report provides information about our operations as well as detailed financial information.
Construction of the second stage of the East Grampians Rural Pipeline is expected to start in October 2024.
GWMWater has awarded a tender to Mitchell Water Australia for the works, which involves the laying of the pipe which will transfer and deliver water to customers. The project will secure a high-quality rural water supply for towns and farms in the region for the future.
In our latest issue of Tapping In Edition 2 2024/25 we're excited to share updates on the East Grampians Pipeline, our projects which have been shortlisted for awards, and an update on the Nhill Lake bore.
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Donald’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is being upgraded to better service Donald’s growing industrial district, enhance water security and keep our open spaces green.
Work began earlier this year to modify the treatment lagoons and storages. Together with the construction of a new mechanical plant, these lagoons will provide additional wastewater treatment and storage capacity.
GWMWater will start releasing Class C recycled water from the Ararat Wastewater Treatment Plant into the Hopkins River from Thursday 8 August 2024.
Due to high levels in GWMWater’s recycled water storages and reduced irrigation demand, GWMWater will start releasing Class C treated recycled water into the Wimmera River from Wednesday 31 July 2024.
Managing Director Mark Williams said the onset of winter and reduced demand led to an increase in the volume of water stored at the wastewater treatment plant.
Read more here
GWMWater’s 2024/2025 tariffs have been confirmed by the Essential Services Commission, with water bills increasing with only CPI in most cases.
Average household bills in GWMWater’s service area will rise by 3.6% or $12.50 a quarter.