If feasible, a pipeline extension will reach into agricultural areas where traditionally there has been reliable rainfall. With the prospect of an ongoing drier climate, agricultural productivity and growth could be enhanced in this region by the installation of a reticulated water delivery network.
A piped water supply could also provide ongoing water security for the townships of Edenhope and Harrow as well as significant economic, social, recreational and environmental benefits to the region.
Status Update
The Project Steering Committee has endorsed the business case and formally submitted it to the government for funding in October 2018.
Landholders still interested in securing a water supply that have not yet lodged an expression of interest form are still encouraged to do so.
Service area
The project area to be investigated encompasses the south eastern corner of the West Wimmera Shire, Horsham Rural City Council and South Grampians Shire.
The project area is not defined as it will be determined by the extent of interested landholders.
If sufficient interest in the vicinity of the project area nominated is obtained, a detailed design will take place to provide piped water to the farm gate.
West Grampians Rural Pipeline Proposed Service Area (308kB)
Landholders outside of the area are still encouraged to submit an |
Benefits to the community
A secure water supply to the West Grampians area will deliver many potential benefits:
- allow existing agricultural enterprises to consolidate and expand knowing they have access to a reliable, high quality water supply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
encourage new enterprises and investment to the region with the certainty of continued access to water.
improve the water supply security to the townships of Harrow and Edenhope.
increase environmental benefits for local waterways and wetlands by removing the reliance on catchment dams, which may enhance inflows into the Glenelg River.
provide recreational and social benefits with the possibility of releasing some water into Lake Wallace or alternative waterbodies.
Read some case studies about how connecting to rural piped water has benefited landholders in our community.
Connect to the pipeline
Landholders within the project boundary are encouraged to lodge an Expression of Interest to connect to the pipeline.
Download the Expression of Interest Form (939kB).
More information about connecting to the West Grampians Rural Pipeline