Picture: Lake Fyans


Current water restrictions

Permanent Water Saving Rules

Safe to drink?


The water is safe for drinking. It is filtered and disinfected to meet the strict guidelines for safe drinking water. It can be used for drinking, cooking, making ice, cleaning your teeth and for showering or bathing.

Drinking water treatment

Treatment process

Coagulation, clarification, filtration, disinfection, pH correction, fluoridation

Chemicals used in the process

Caustic soda, aluminium chlorohydrate, powdered activated carbon, fluoride, chlorine


As part of Ultima’s drinking water upgrade, customers in Ultima will receive fluoridated water. Fluoride is added to Swan Hill’s water supply under the direction of the Victorian Government’s Department of Health. Water will be transferred to Ultima from Swan Hill by pipeline. For more information about water fluoridation, refer to the Department of Health’s website: Water fluoridation in Victoria - health.vic

Water supply

Your water comes from the Murray River and is treated at the Swan Hill Water Treatment Plant. GWMWater takes water from Swan Hill and transfers it through approximately 29 kilometres of pipeline to the Ultima Pump Station. The water is booster chlorinated at the Ultima Pump Station to maintain disinfection as it is distributed in Ultima.

Sewerage services


Septic tanks in use. Contact Swan Hill Rural City Council for further information.

Service disruptions

See latest outage and water quality alerts


Check the water supply for... 

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