Picture: Lake Fyans

Standpipes have long been an important resource for our region, providing access to water where it is otherwise scarce.

GWMWater now operates two types of standpipes; metered hydrants and swipe tag standpipes.

Recent technological innovations are making the management of standpipes more convenient for our customers. As part of the State Government’s Drought Relief package, we have installed swipe tag technology at 18 standpipes across the region.

The swipe tag technology is solar powered, meaning that customers have 24-hour access to water for carting purposes. The swipe tags allow us to accurately record and bill for water usage for each user. They're also accessible to the CFA with keys, as metered standpipes are.


Apply for swipe tag access

Regardless of whether or not you already have a permit for a metered standpipe, you will need to apply for swipe tag access.

  1. Read and understand the conditions of hire
  2. Submit the form by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to PO Box 481 Horsham 3400
  3. If your application is approved, you'll hear back from us in writing within seven business days

MS word DOC icon svgSwipe Tag Application Form

MS word DOC icon svgConditions of Hire


Apply for metered hydrant access

  1. Consider if you'll need a Permanent or Casual permit
  2. Read and understand the conditions of hire
  3. Submit the form by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to PO Box 481 Horsham 3400
  4. If your application is approved, you'll hear back from us in writing within seven business days

MS word DOC icon svgMetered Hydrant Application Form - Permanent & Casual

 MS word DOC icon svg Conditions of Hire


Casual hire - For a hire period up to three months with a daily hire charge

Permanent hire - For a hire period over three months with a once off hire charge


Swipe tag standpipe locations

Non-potable water is not disinfected and there is no protection against bacteria that may contaminate the water. This means that the water is not fit for such things as drinking, food preparation, ice making, cleaning of teeth or any other human consumptive purposes. 

West Wimmera Shire Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality
Apsley Laidlaw Street Non-potable water
Kaniva High Street Non-potable water


Northern Grampians Shire Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality
Great Western Cubbit Street Drinking water
Landsborough Cr Landsborough and Joel South Roads, Joel Joel Non-potable water
St Arnaud Preece Street Drinking water
Stawell Haughton Street Drinking water


Mildura Rural City Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality

Vine Lane, Ouyen

Non-potable water
Patchewollock Cnr of Old Walpeup Road and Hopetoun-Walpeup Road Non-potable water


Loddon Shire Council Standpipe

Town/Area Location Water Quality
Korong Vale

Cnr Boort-Wedderburn Road and Borung-Wedderburn Road

Non-potable water


Horsham Rural City Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality

Longerenong Road

Non-potable water
Horsham Old Hamilton Road Drinking water


Buloke Shire Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality
Charlton Halliday Street Drinking water
Charlton Cnr Yeungroon-Woosand Road and Yeungroon Road Non-potable water


Ararat Rural City Council Standpipes

Town/Area Location Water Quality
Ararat Maude Street Drinking water
Elmurst High Street Drinking water
Lake Bolac Mortlake - Ararat Road
(1 km from Lake Bolac)
Drinking water
Moyston Presbyterian Church Road Non-potable water
Pomonal Ararat - Halls Gap Road Drinking water
Norval Dam Rhymney Road, Norval Dam Non-potable water
Streatham Rossbridge - Streatham Road
(1 km from Streatham)
Non-potable water
Westmere Glenelg Highway Non-potable water
Wickliffe Walker Street Non-potable water
Willaura Main Street (outside CFA shed) Drinking water


Further information...

How to use a swipe tag standpipe

Our new swipe tag standpipes are very easy to use and provide 24 hour access.