Allocations for June 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
Around 2,800 ML of inflow was received to reservoirs during May; the first inflows observed for 6 months.
In response to well below inflow to reservoirs during the 2018-19 season, and a climate outlook which favours dry conditions for 2019-20, entitlement holders collectively agreed that resource improvements during May be held over to help secure system operating water and support allocations in the 2019-20 season. As a result, no increase in allocation has occurred this month.
The final allocation announcement for 2018-19 season sees Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product remain at 55% allocation this month, and Glenelg Compensation Flow remain at 1% allocation. No allocation has been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement during 2018-19.
Allocations for May 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
No measureable inflow was observed to reservoirs for a sixth consecutive month during April. With continued dry conditions and little rainfall during April, losses from the reservoir system have again matched the Storage Manager’s projections. As a result, no increase in allocation has been possible for May.
Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product remains at 55% allocation this month. Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
Allocations for April 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
No measureable inflow was observed to reservoirs for a fifth consecutive month during March. With generally dry conditions and little rainfall during March, losses from the reservoir system have matched the Storage Manager’s projections. As a result, no increase in allocation has been possible for April.
Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product remains at 55% allocation this month. Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
The Storage Manager has released its fourth Quarterly Operating Plan Supplement 4 (April to June 2019). This supplement accompanies the Annual Operating Plan 2018-19 and looks specifically at reservoir system operation over the upcoming 3-month period. The Annual Operating Plan and operating plan supplements are available here.
Allocations for March 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
No measureable inflow was observed to reservoirs for a fourth consecutive month during February. Isolated thunderstorms generated above average rainfall at some reservoirs. This has aided in moderating overall evaporation losses, resulting in a small resource improvement this month.
Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product has increased by 1% to have a 55% allocation. Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
Allocations for February 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
No measureable inflow was observed to reservoirs for a third consecutive month during January. High temperatures persisted throughout January, and with little rainfall, substantial evaporation losses from reservoirs were observed. As a result, no increase in allocation has been possible this month.
Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product remains at 54% allocation, and Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
The Storage Manager has released its third quarterly Operating Plan Supplement 3 for January to March 2019. This supplement accompanies the Annual Operating Plan 2018-19 and looks specifically at reservoir system operation over the upcoming 3-month period. The Annual Operating Plan and operating plan supplements are available here.
Allocations for January 2019 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
Even with above average rainfall at Grampians reservoirs during December, no measureable inflow was observed, due to the dry condition of catchments. The rainfall received resulted in much lower than forecast reservoir system losses for December, and has contributed to Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product increasing by 9% to have a 54% allocation. Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation this month. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
Allocations for December 2018 have been announced by the Storage Manager.
No measureable inflow was observed to reservoirs during November. Lower than forecast reservoir system losses over the past month have contributed to Wimmera-Mallee Pipeline Product increasing by 2% to have a 45% allocation. Glenelg Compensation Flow remains at 1% allocation this month. No allocation has yet been possible to Recreation entitlement, Wetland entitlement or Commonwealth environmental entitlement.
The Storage Manager's latest allocation outlook for November 2018 to January 2019 is now available. Click here to view details.