Picture: Lake Fyans

Emergency water supplies are used in times of great need, usually for firefighting or in case of damaging drought.

Our region has multiple water supply points that provide water for emergency stock and domestic purposes during severe dry seasonal conditions, surface water scarcity, and bushfires. Some sites are also equipped to supply water to firefighting vehicles.

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Accessing water when your domestic and stock supply dries up (657kB, published by DEECA)


Map of supply points

View an interactive map showing your local emergency water supply points at the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) website.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.


Further information...


Apply for standpipe access

GWMWater now operates two types of standpipes; metered hydrants and swipe card standpipes.


How to use a swipe card standpipe

Our new swipe card standpipes are very easy to use and provide 24 hour access.